Why I do what I do... and love it!

Lice! What do mean lice??” Yep that was me, standing in the bathroom at the hair salon. You would have thought death was upon me and I didn’t even know what lice was. I cried all the way home that day. But I was lucky enough to have had a family member say, “call The Lice Squad”. My reaction was, “who the heck does that. That’s got to be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard”, over a decade, later here I am…

My friends started calling me a “Nerd” when they discovered I was taping lice eggs to my forearm and legs to see if they hatch and capture the process on my phone! I was consumed with learning more so when I was not removing lice and their sticky eggs from a client’s hair or my own personal life experiences I was researching those crazy wingless, bloodsucking parasites.
I have a love- hate relationship with head lice. I am fascinated with all things lice and I truly enjoy sharing everything I learn about them to however will listen.

For eight years I manage a lice removal clinic in Ontario Canada where I was the front line of defence against the dreaded bug. I am proud to say I’ve had lice 8 times, and I didn’t get it from my job. I have little lice magnet children.

I am not only ready to battle the bug, but also the stigma surrounding lice. I believe education and communication is key to the fight against lice but I understand the confusion with all the misinformation out there… that’s why I have decided to start up my own real life research area in my salon so when I am not removing head lice I can study them. Lice can bring the strongest person to their knees, so I believe with the proper information, the battle is half won!
I EDUCATE on lice, EMPOWER people and RELIEVE stress… You can’t get that in a box off the shelf! But you can get it from the LICE NERD.